


The Preview component is a React component that renders a action element to open a story. It uses hooks to access the preview and viewer contexts and conditionally applies CSS classes and attributes based on these context values. The component is forward-ref compatible, allowing it to be used with refs.



Below are the properties and events available for the Preview component:

asReact.ElementTypeSpecifies the component type to render (by default, "button").
childrenReact.ReactNodeThe content to be rendered inside the button.
classNamestringAdditional CSS class names to apply.
...eventsPreviewEventsOptional callback events for component.
...propsReact.HTMLAttributesStandard HTML Element attributes.


onClickFunctionFunction to be called when the Preview is clicked. If the function returns a truthy value, then the function will prevent the viewer component from opening.
onShowFunctionFunction to be called when the Preview is shown.
onHideFunctionFunction to be called when the Preview is hidden.


When a story is opened in the viewer, the following className is applied to the Preview component to indicate its expanded state:

  1. Expanded (classname: .instastories-preview--expanded)
    • Component sets aria-expanded to true, by default.
    • This class is applied to the Preview component when the current story is opened in the viewer.
    • Use this class to define styles or animations that reflect the expanded state of the preview, indicating that the story is currently active and being viewed.
    • This state helps in visually distinguishing the active story from other previews.

Contexts Available


  onClick={() => console.debug("Preview clicked!")}
  onShow={() => console.debug("Preview is shown!")}
  onHide={() => console.debug("Preview is hidden!")}
  <h1>Preview Content</h1>


If you want support common ARIA-behaviour (opens in a new tab) for role="toolbar" as Preview components, you can use third-party library @react-aria/toolbar or create custom own solution.

import { useToolbar } from "@react-aria/toolbar";
import React from "react";
export function AppStories() {
  const ref = React.useRef(null);
  const { toolbarProps } = useToolbar({ "aria-label": "Stories" }, ref);
  return (
      <Stories {...toolbarProps} ref={ref}>
          <Preview>Preview Content #1</Preview>
          <Preview>Preview Content #2</Preview>
          <Preview>Preview Content #3</Preview>
